Aly Siew.
19 September.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011 @ 5:31 AM
Wow its been such a long time since I've forsaken this space, hello again!!
I can't seem to keep up with time now, its flying likka (wait for it) G6!?!?!? Soon, I'll be saying hello hello to Hongkong, Year 3, internship in a month's time wheeeeeee

hehehe stylo ah! ^^
Okay I should not procrastinating and start on my law assignment and do wellllllllllllll if I really wanna try to enter SMU, at the very least.
Thursday, July 1, 2010 @ 7:20 AM
Finally updated this space, haha time to rekindle the love I have for you, blogger. I chanced upon this photo taken at mos burger and then another at my old house, homgeeeshh my hair's way too short, definitely the first and last time that I will have that as my haircut haha
Sadly I've to visit the barberess is that how I say it or was it hairdresser soooonish to trim trim! Anyway I just can't seem to work on my assignments noww im so lazy i keep on procrastinating hokay omg i shouldnt i wanna do well okay okay seeyouallllllll
Tuesday, June 15, 2010 @ 7:02 AM

Anyway check out my complexion mann its awful. I really really really miss my flawless complexion in my sec school days :( Blame it for excessive outdoor activities plus netballing/running/camps in the past and and not taking good care of it urgh
I'm determined to get it back hehehehehe yes I know I can :)
Tumblr's officially addictive! I reblog everyday, just tell me about it mann. Its the start of holidays but it doesnt really feel like one with lots of projects, gk summit aiyo life's rocking jinglebells -.-
Quick update about wasssssssssssup with my life hehe

You're really old now but I'll still love you foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Okay back to tumblr/ watching a man called god kdrama (its really good!)
Monday, May 31, 2010 @ 1:28 AM
Tumblr's addictive ever since I've got one!
Thursday, May 13, 2010 @ 8:45 AM
Okay right now, I've been watching so many american tv shows/ kdramas at the same time that I think I've lost count! As I'm typing this right now, I'm totally ignoring the fact that I've alot of work due this week, in a few days time. How nice can this be. Assignments, please spare me!
haha Jules just came into my room and wrapped his arms around me and said, do you love me.
hahaha awww how sweet can a bro get.
Just know that, I love you too
Tuesday, May 4, 2010 @ 6:32 AM
My champion friend said it was specially made for me and asked me to watch this
They are definitely the joke of the century but thanks for making my day though!
Monday, April 26, 2010 @ 6:52 AM
Able to do meetups at Ngee Ann Polytechnic only